Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trying a change

So it has been awhile for a lot of things. I am very very close to the highest weight I have ever been. My highest was 206 and I am a couple off it I think. I can't remember what my last weight was. I am not totally sure what is going on. I know my realization of how much the concussion has affected me has been hard. It has been quite depressing but I am going to just try and move on. Course writing that I suddenly think I better stop and write down everything that I am supposed to do this week that I haven't written down yet as guarantee I will forget. I hate that.

, list of things I need to do is done. So anyway, I went for a walk tonight. My husband wasn't happy as it was dark and rainy but I NEEDED to do it. I walked for 23 minutes and for me that is something right now. But I am done doing this:

I only walked 23 minutes.

I probably just barely walked over a mile.

Who knows if my heart rate got up to what it should be for a good burn.

Done with that! Not a good way of thinking and I am going to try my darndest to move forward and think more positive. I was talking to a friend the other day and was telling her how I used to read a book or a chapter to each kid every night and how much they enjoyed it and sometimes I did to. I was saying how bad I felt that yet again I quit at something I had started. She said that she looks at it this way instead, "Wow. Look what I did and how fun it was. Great job. Now what should I do next." She said it was not a matter of that I didn't keep doing it. It was a matter that I did something fun and different for a time and it worked great. Now let's try something new. It really made me feel a lot better.

So yes I walked tonight and guess what? I went a WHOLE 23 MINUTES!!! And then guess what? I came home and grabbed that Super Big Gulp cup and filled it up with delicious ice and water and guzzled that baby. I was thirsty apparently. And it felt good to do it and felt good to know I had done it. Who cares how far or how long or how hard. What matters is I did it!

So grab a tall glass of ice water and toast yourself for whatever accomplishment you did today and enjoy it and smile!

Oh and I also did a load of laundry while I am doing a pat on the back moment. :)

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