Sunday, March 21, 2010


Waa hoo! I am happy about that. I have been eating a TON better and trying to get that exercise in. I hate to admit it.....but I feel a lot better too. Gasp! I know. Scary. he he. Here is another scary thing. I am almost out of the candy in my house and I am not feeling panicky at all about that. Complacent actually. I must be broken for sure. :) Now I just wish it was easy to keep up this healthier lifestyle. I have loved getting my Bountiful Basket. I have loved all the vegetables and fruits. The newest odd fruit that I have tried and actually like quite a bit now....Kumquats. Pretty sour little things but I like them.

Now here is a bit of weight loss humor for you:

My Mother had commented that my fingers must get a good workout from texting. My father said maybe I should text with the rest of my body. I laughed so hard about that.

Son prayed, "Bless me to lose weight, and gain the weight, and lose the weight, and lose the weight, and gain the weight. Amen." That must be what I have been praying for. Oops!

Father said he didn't see me in line for the Biggest Loser line up. Maybe I should.....that is not the first hint I have had. :)

Happy healthy eating everyone! Try a new food in the following weeks and let me know how it went.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Finally something kind of good. he he. Does that count even though I had gained so much the last two weeks? I think so. Because I have started making some small changes. I have started exercising and loving it. Gasp! Did I say that? Honestly I really have enjoyed it. I sometimes even find myself wanting to do more. I got myself a Bountiful Basket on Saturday and have been eating more vegetables then I ever have. I even find myself craving some of them as snacks. Crazy. So maybe with these changes and more I can make this a more successful endeavor. Yeah me!

I have been trying to practice my Intuitive Eating and have been making headway with that. The hardest, funnest, scariest, and most exciting part is letting yourself eat what you want and know that it is not going to disappear and not be available because you are "dieting". For example, if I am at the grocery store and want some candy, I buy it. I eat it. I have found that I can stop eating (sometimes) because I know that if I want more it is there. Sometimes I do revert back to the "Oh no I really shouldn't be eating this and I am going to gain so much weight. Oh well, you have already ate 4 so now you might as well finish it off." syndrome. I hate that. And I am very good at when my husband tells me, "Oh why are you eating those? You have been working so hard." thinking, "I will show you. I will eat more now." So dumb. But during this process I have noticed some things. I really don't like M&M's. Whoa! I know! I actually have wondered if I just got a bad bag as my son won't eat them either but I have not been tempted to try more just to see. Another thing I loved and craved during Easter time was those huge creamy Cadbury eggs. Found out I really don't like them that well either. And there is more. Crazy! I love it though. Now if I could not like chocolate chip cookies I would feel better. :)

So I will continue to enjoy my basket of fruit and vegetables. I will continue to enjoy and actually look forward to exercising. And I will try to be more positive.

Humor of the daughter wanted to exercise with me and we were using the Wii Sports Active program where we have two characters patterned, kind of, after ourselves. As we were getting ready to exercise my daughter asked which character was me. My husband in the background said, "The fat one." he he.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ha ha! Caught you!

You thought I had quit didn't you! Ha ha! No such luck. Yes I have done poorly but I am still NOT quitting! I gave into tempation and weighed on Tuesday. Ugh! Yeah I had definately been stress eating with my husbands injury and taking care of him. Gained 5.5 pounds. Yeah, I know....not good.

Well, my leg is finally feeling great so I started exercising. I only worked out the last two days but can I tell you they were seriously killer ones. Yesterdays was so bad that my arch on one foot hurts very badly and my one hand and wrist hurt. Very odd and dumb places to hurt yourself from exercising if you ask me. So I have been wondering if it was my shoes as they have no arch support. So I am very happy that I am getting new decent ones. Can't wait! Today the program suggested I rest from my workout. Yeah! I needed to. I have iced my owies off and on all day.

I still have done bad at veggies. I can do fruits but it takes more effort for veggies so that has been my goal.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support. My favorite cheerleader is my cousin Kristin. She always makes me feel like I can do it and that is what I need. And what I think we all need. I need to be more like her. Thank you Kristin! You are amazing!

Happy exercising and eating those veggies. I am off to cut up some and pre-package them in hopes that it works!

Monday, March 1, 2010


I didn't weigh in today. I decided to try very very hard to stay away from the scale for a few weeks and try and eat better. Mainly those fruit and veggies. Also I had a HUGELY stressful week with my husband being life flighted to the hospital after a snow mobile accident. And I think I ate to pacify that stress.

I had my OBGYN appointment this past week. I played the sympathy card, my husband being in the hospital, so she didn't get mad about my weight. And actually my blood pressure was only in the hyper-tension range so she said I did not need to take the medicine anymore. Yeah! I do have to go back in a month to have my blood pressure checked again to see how it is doing. She also is doing a test on my thyroid to see if that is why I am so tired. I told her I was tired because I was overweight, had small kids, and stress. But she still wanted to check. She did notice that I commented about not exercising and not getting in those fruit/veg on her health questionnaire. Told her I hadn't been exercising the last week because my leg and back hurt so bad from that fall. She took x-rays to see if my leg was broken. That is a no. Yeah again! After the appointment I noticed how little I have been getting the fruit/veg in. I can go the whole day and have 1! I used to be very good at eating those. So this week, minus today, I will try and get at least 5 servings in. That is a start. One bad thing I noticed lately......when I go somewhere with the kids. I pack healthy snacks for them. I pack candy and soda for me. What is up with that?!? I also went to the chiropractor for my back/leg today. Turns out the fall threw my hip out badly. Boy that hurt getting that fixed! Here's to hoping I finally feel better with that.

So here goes to trying to eat my f/v servings this week! Anyone else having trouble with those or have any advice? Thank you so much for the cheer leading by the way. I think I need that and I think it will help me be successful at this.